From laser treatments to microneedling and topical creams, there are a variety of options available today to help acne-related issues.
Acne, a skin condition characterised by whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and its resulting scars, are two of the most common dermatological concerns plaguing adolescents and adults in Singapore.
The root cause of acne is hair follicles clogged by dead skin cells and overactive oil glands, but the condition can be further exacerbated by bacteria in the pores, leading to a more severe cystic acne. Other factors include stress, hormonal changes, side effects from medication, diet, genetics and the prolonged use of masks.
“Also known as ‘maskne’, acne caused by the use of masks is triggered by bacterial imbalances around the area of the skin covered by a mask, “ says Dr Gerard Ee, from The Clifford Clinic, which offers minimally invasive and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. “The warm and humid environment under a mask creates the perfect conditions for yeast, bacteria and other skin flora to multiply.”
The constant friction and irritation caused by the mask rubbing against the face can also lead to acne flare-ups and other skin conditions.
Acne Treatment Options
The good news is that acne is treatable and there are options available, so you can pick one that suits your skin’s condition. This can be done with a doctor or at an aesthetic centre.
Here are some acne treatments that can help with acne conditions.
The acne treatment can help with cystic acne and pore-related skin conditions by using radiofrequency (RF) energy delivered by finely tuned needles to help reduce oil production and minimise the recurrence of acne.
The Gold Photothermal Therapy (PTT) treatment utilises gold nanoparticles and a dermatology laser to help prevent clogged pores by reducing oil production. “During the treatment, gold nanoparticles are pulsed into the oil glands using Bellasonic ultrasound technology and are subsequently heated using lasers. Controlled overheating of the glands can modify them and reduce their activity levels, helping to prevent acne formation,” explains Dr Ee.
Depending on the severity of the acne, oral and topical medications can also be used together with facial treatments or by themselves. Oral antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat acne caused by bacteria in the pores. Common topical treatments include retinoid creams, products with salicylic acid and topical antibiotics.
“Common side effects of topical treatment include redness or discolouration of the skin, skin irritation or soreness, increased sun sensitivity and dry skin,” notes Dr Ee.
Dealing with acne scars
If you are prone to acne outbreaks, you might experience one of these three facial scars at some point. Atrophic scars are depressed marks on the skin. Hypertrophic scars are bumps that protrude from the skin and pigment scars are blemishes, and red or brown spots.
“Early intervention, over-the-counter topical medication or professional treatment by aesthetic clinics is recommended for nipping the problem in the bud and preventing more scars from forming or existing scars from becoming worse,” says Dr Ee.
You can manage your acne scars with the following treatments:
Microneedling: The Secret RF acne treatments are non-surgical treatments that use micro-needles to penetrate and precisely deliver fractional RF deep into the tissues to help stimulate collagen production and restructure the surrounding skin.
While professional treatments are helpful in managing your acne and scars, Dr Ee says that a preventative approach can also work. Facial cleansing treatments can help keep your face clean.
Ultimately, when it comes to managing acne and finding ways to reduce facial scars, Dr Ee recommends seeking a professional consultation with a doctor first before embarking on any aesthetic treatments.