Fetal Actocardiograph (CTG)


High-end hospital grade monitor


Integrating foetal and maternal parameters together, covering both external and internal monitoring, while being able to select a complete set of unique wireless probes, the F6 Series attends to the whole delivery process throughout the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum stages, levelling up obstetric care with waterbirth and telemetry solutions.

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F6 Express Fetal & Maternal Monitor

The F6 Express is a high-end hospital grade monitor designed for multi-bed units with central station yet simple enough for private practice, it offers the most advanced integrated monitoring for the delivery room in big hospital; private obstetrician’s office; antepartum clinic. Integrating fetal and maternal parameters together, the F6 Express expands upon the basic non-stress test monitor for pregnant women.

  • Basic parameters: FHR, TOCO, Event Mark, AFM
  • Monitor maternal parameters ECG, HR/PR, NIBP, SpO2, TEMP
  • Dual FHR monitoring
  • Optional Internal parameters: IUP/DECG
  • 24 hours waveform playback
  • Multi-crystal pulse wave Doppler waterproof transducer for FHR detection
  • Signals Overlap Verification to differentiate twins FHR (+20/-20 offset while printing)
  • 150/152mm wide paper printing
  • 1,2,3cm/min real-time printing speeds
  • Quick printing for stored waveform
  • 10.2 – inch high-resolution color folding up LCD screen
  • Lithium battery for 4 hours of continuous working
  • Probe rack and wall mounting rack
  • Optional Built-in wireless module to connect to Central Nursing Station or FTS-3

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Evelyn Lai
Product Specialist
Mark Tang
Product Specialist
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