Tyroid Ultrasound and RFA workshop

SingHealth ENT Head & Neck Instructional Course Fortnight 2023 Thyroid US and RFA workshop

We are glad to be part of the learning journey at Thyroid Ultrasound and RFA workshop in partnership with Singhealth DukeNUS Institute of Medical Simulation and Singhelath DukeNUS SURGERY.

Overseas Faculty:

Prof Jung Hwan Baek, Radiologist and Professor, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, South Korea.

A/Prof Catherine Sinclair, VMO Department of Otolaryng, Head and Neck Surgery, Monash Medical Center, Australia.

Date: 21 August 2023
TIME : 08:00-16:45
Venue : Alice Lee Innovation Centre of Excellence, Level 2, Outram Community Hospital

SingHealth ENT Head & Neck Instructional Course Fortnight

The ENT Instructional Courses started in 1995 in SGH, and have expanded over the years to include more subspecialty courses and inter-hospital collaboration. This is the first year that SGH, CGH, SKH and KKH have worked together to organize the inaugural SingHealth ENT Instructional Course Fortnight, bringing together talent across all of the SingHealth ENT Departments over 2 weeks of lectures and dissection courses. Combining both renown international faculty and local talent, this series of surgical courses have been a staple for residents and practicing ENT surgeons around the region, looking for an update of their medical knowledge and hands-on dissection. The courses provide ample opportunities for participants to progress at their own level, starting from basic surgical steps, but also covering advanced techniques for those wanting to pursue subspecialty practice.


It is my pleasure to invite you to the Thyroid US & RFA workshop, organized during the SingHealth ENT Fortnight this year. The ultrasound is a simple, noninvasive and yet powerful tool that can help clinicians make a quick diagnosis in their clinic. A good understanding of the thyroid and other relevant neck anatomy on ultrasound facilitates interventional procedures which are becoming commonplace in the management of thyroid and other neck diseases.

This workshop is curated with the ENT surgeons, Head & Neck Surgeons, Radiologists and Endocrinologists in mind, as evident by our multi-disciplinary faculty team.

We are fortunate to be graced by two international RFA experts, Professor Jung Hwan Baek and A/Prof Catherine Sinclair who are delivering keynote lectures during the workshop. Live demonstration of thyroid RFA by our local RFA expert, Dr Too Chow Wei, is one of the highlights of the workshop. The hands-on session will allow participants the opportunity to interact, learn and practice ultrasound techniques and procedures, guided by both our local and international faculty team.

Course Objectives


  • Understand neck anatomy on ultrasound
  • Understand thyroid anatomy on ultrasound
  • Perform ultrasound guided needle aspiration and core biopsies with the right technique
  • Understand the physics of radio-frequency ablation
  • Perform RFA of thyroid nodules with precision over time
SingHealth ENT Head & Neck Instructional Course Fortnight 2023 Thyroid US and RFA workshop


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